Legends of equestria русский сервер

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If you've been having trouble cramming all those color-customised pairs of tartan socks into your saddlebags - and trust me, we've all been there - then this update is for you! Ко всем, кто проголосовал ЗА продолжение существования проекта, мы обращаемся с просьбой обосновать своё решение в комментариях. VOICE ACTING The Voice Acting team is looking for more voices to lend their talents to the project! Здесь можно делать почти все то, что и в реальной жизни, бегать, летать, общаться с другими пони, растить урожай, кормить животных, готовить еду и принимать участие в других веселые приключения с вашими друзьями. It was worth a try! Familiarity with Blender or Maya is also useful, but not required. Mar 28 Hey again, everypony! Following with our usual tradition, we're quite late in posting this, but boy is this a nostalgia bomb! As always, if you want the full details of what's been done since the last version, you should! If you're using our Windows launcher, the game should update automatically the next time you launch it; for everypony else, the updated files are available from! Мы слишком много пережили вместе, и потому не считаем себя вправе принимать столь серьёзное решение в одиночку.

Do you have a passion for video games? Equestria Gaming is looking for somepony who'd be willing to help writing and reviewing new games and gaming projects that pop up in the fandom -and help write about the many, many we've missed... Ideally we're looking for someone with who is comfortable writing in the English language and who has an open mind towards the pony development scene. If this is something you'd be interested in, send an email to mlpfan232 gmail. If no such example is provided, you may be asked to write about a random topic for evaluation purposes. Whoa, someone actually finished a game based on Silent Ponyville! This is a short horror game and adaptation of SamRose's Silent Ponyville! You can download the game! Her friend Twilight has been doing her best to console her, but the horrific dreams persist. Nobody knows the exact effects of the spell, but it has been proven to cure ponies of psychological trauma. Unable to bear living with the nightmares any longer, Pinkie consents to having the spell cast on her. With a flash of white, her surroundings vanish. After five years of development, Legends of Equestria has now gone open access! I'm Looking forward to seeing you on your adventures! After putting years of love and effort into it, B52 Development Team is proud to present D'lirium, a top town action adventure game with horror elements. It has a neat retro artstyle with great music and ambiance and many unique environments to explore. Recently it has been released on steam as early access and with the game already having so much content and the promise of further expansions and updates, it's well worth your purchase! Description: A powerful unicorn, whose soul had been consumed by the Darkness, dooms the world to the endless suffering. The main character sets off for the journey, his goal is to find a Pandemoniun - the place where the greatest of all evils resides. He must stop the unicorn and banish the Darkness back to Hell. D'lirium is an experimental 2D-shooter with the elements of a horror game. The game brings together some mechanics back from 90s classics, such as a search for the keys, non-linear levels and a lot of other things. Moreover, the game contains a lot of experimental tricks, such as random events, non-traditional controls for a shooter game, etc. Following with our usual tradition, we're quite late in posting this, but boy is this a nostalgia bomb! For those unaware the Luna Game series were seemingly simple platformers at the start, but eventually would lock up, playing creepy music and displaying disturbing imagery. This game concept was then expanded upon in RPG Maker by Hedgehogself and the story was further developed as well. Luna game 3D is a re-imagining of the series created in the GZDoom engine. In this game you'll meet various character and shall need to traverse through hostile environments where one wrong move could lead to your death. That's for you to find out.

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